
Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Fate's Test

Klothos whim with her shear so dim waving her delicate blade as the sun fades…she ask of me a question in my life’s quest…”Doth thou have regrets"
Must all time pass me by without love and meaning in my life?...With eyes shut my body cast adrift in the sea of uncertainty, only to divine a hope for strength within me~

Pivoting pulse spins me through time…My subtle frame now reclined…So the Norn’s do swing with twine in hand and pendulum to my chest …And all the while I smile but do not jest... for love is sacred and of truth is blessed~

I look not away from the rhythm and hum of the motion and swing of a Damocles like tongue…Nor do I shut my eyes for the shout of passion and glow of life still penetrates beyond my orbs…so I bow and reflect to remove any distain…embracing all that is of subtle refrain to know that deep within me something feels… so I remain~

Cool and motionless fears do rise… for there have been tides I did know and quell…Toast and cheer filled the vessel of an endless well…Yet in the bittersweet quass I did drink to the drops of ever last as long as there is truth here in this glass~

So forged now through understanding and tempered by passions’ fire I am alive...I am aware……YET…In my start I sought to dwell in the warmth of an unconditional heart…Not of my own beating mind you but against the crest of life’s turbid storm…So to remain or be forlorn~

Cast adrift in the sea of emotions and sonar’s songs…I reach out to embrace a beacon of hope bobbing and dashing against the void…Yet in my hands…held fast in my grasp are rocks and stones I fear to let go for they are all that I have ever known~

My body so frail did grope the diving tower that did not float….The endless shadows consume my voice…Slashing waves reduce my flesh…Am I so small against such test?...Do I lay anchor…is there a bottom…Do I rest~

Off in the sea of flux and uncertainty is there a rope for me?...Will I ever be free?~

Why must I seek to find comforts outside myself lest in time to forget myself…So… I let go of the stones held fast from the past…I rise above and am free at last

No Man's Land

Here I am in the flux and flow

My heart wishes to bloom and grow

Yet my mind’s persistence says…let go

For nothing here can the wind blow …

And pain is not the only truth I have known

So I question everything inside… Whispered…I choose not to hide

All the depths to take a dive... Shouted…Let loose and let me thrive!

For the unknown makes me alive…. In Childlike fascination...Yet how am I to survive

So awake in No Man’s Land…

My tongue… cannot taste

My limbs do not quake

My eyes no longer see

I am bound …yet free

Molten senses in periphery

I feel just beyond the breath

Caress of shadows dart about my breast

Bare boned I shutter in the welted vesture

All that is…removed…there is nothing left

Last threads are pure…I resist no measure

The limbo quickens like sand in my mind

Transition to the downward spiral lures me

Trepidation to shut down all that I am within…

But wait…this is when it starts to get interesting…

Floating on the surface of the Void …

Resistance to the Soul afire…purgatory to let me burn yet not heal

Until I find my voice…only then can I feel

In my rational mind… towering walls hold me in

Not a door or window to view the sun setting

Add another brick…or new mortar to set in…

This structure I call skin…

Where do I begin…where do I end

Building up…Tearing down…

Reinforcements from what I have found

Denying the connection to my soul

The fortress…this keep… with a forgotten key

Dark discord forces me to bolt upright…

So this is all that I have know…Yet…to accept the darkness I did hide

This temple….This of a fountainous flesh

briars upon the mountains in a serrated test

Like Sleeping Beauty awaiting the first kiss

Yet that fairy tale is not on my list

Should I take the scenic route

Let rage pour out the colors of my ways

Oh…This is where I just begin… unfold in emotional array

Toe to toe I cannot touch

The drawn and quartered sense has left me open

The resistance to feel… to express through tactile sense

The vellum wall of silence I has been dampened …to now I am residing

In this barrier called my skin…seeks to move beyond the within

The feeling comes first…the effects sublime

Daunting light in a dewy glow… Then wavering ….

Shadows dash upon the rocks of my discord

Raw energy…pushes me through like a birth

Twisted comfort of familiar pain

The pillars of my disdain

Like Cerebral Paisley

Open the doors

Sounds of consuming the intuiting the flow...

Drinking from the nexus of the spirit or the dynamic sips from the charismatic closeness...we are all energy of one form or another and to question the force that which deliberates the flow is the Jiminy cricket on your shoulder begging the conscious...even in the intention...

does one deliberate the motion of the point of being

Knowledge is earned...skill is what is the will to discern ~

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fork in the Road

There is a crack in the side walk

I dare not step upon….walking around with superstition

The child-like rhymes keep me in suspicion

Such a little line makes me balk

The crack I follow to discover such Force

Fissure from trees whose roots issue forth

Burled and knarred like wretched fingers

Clawing their way with such convictions

They confirm my fears of versed in suspension

The crack opens wide revealing all doubts

Issued from the depths inside

I realize my soul is now opened wide

I am here…straddling the unfathomable chasm of self

I dare not to look down for I have just begun….unbound

I move forward knowing that I am unable to turn around

No room for doubt in this moment for I am amongst wolves

And may become consumed if I waiver in the pace

Wondering if it is dice or cards I have been Delt in this race

Tip toeing on dust and grit to grip

Dancing upon the precipice like the fool

Yet thrilled by the unknown…breaking all the rules

I continue to shift my step and gait

This road…though rocky… has its subtle charm

I…in my right mind would find cause for alarm

One eye on the future with an eye in the moment

Yet…the unknown beckons me for to go along for the ride

For the depths of my soul have a silence inside

There is a fork in the road

I have stretched beyond balance

But I am no longer a stranger to the path

2 + 2 = More…I can do the math

I Search for the feelings in this gamble

Walking up the down escalator…

I am my own procreator

Looking beyond…All that is known

Always looking beyond…instead of right beside

Seeking the truth of what encompasses me

A road map to know “which way is worth”

I question everything…even birth

My heart goes dim… the insistence to be…wavers

Wonder is replaced by the wanderer’s rage

As I see that I am just a part of the path and not the destination

Lingering and ripping through with tactile tongue of discordant relief

I open up to the down pour of sensation

I whispered …make me like a laughing child in the rain

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Skin Within

Let me tell you where it all begins...
Where the skin meets the skin...
And you move beyond the within...
Like the water's surface tension ...I Know
Where there is no below...
It is all only Flow...

All that is

Hear within the water spray…

The chants of the sea untold.

Here in the swell and break…

Whose recant is

Of life to behold.

~ Questioning…all that is

Inside one’s self.

Wondering…if all the sea

Is inside one shell.~

A quest of the fallen crest…

To see the endless swirl.


Within the Earthen breast

The Sea…Embraces the world.

~ Questioning…all that is

Inside one’s self.

Wondering…if all that is..

Is inside one’s self.~

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How far is far...

Who within their thoughts are dream...

Can it be that we are the stars a drifting and a dreaming of dreams within a dream...

Who within their hearts are feel...Oh... to feel again...

Silent drift among the void of illusions and dreams wondering and far is far...

When we seek beyond the void of that which is known and unknown... and touch the realms within the feeling...within the dream and we are filled with we wander...we are no longer limited by how far is far....